vite-ssr-vue - v1.0.6

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For building powerful Server Side Rendering APP with Vite 2 ⚡(Next Generation Frontend Tooling)

Inspired by vite-ssr


  • Fast HMR with vite
  • Easy development start
  • Small library size
  • Compatible with Vite's plugin
  • Support teleports
  • Flexible configuration and full control
  • Support shouldPreload and shouldPrefetch



Create a normal Vite project for Vue3.

    yarn add vite-ssr-vue @vue/server-renderer @vueuse/head node-html-parser @rollup/plugin-replace 


vite > 2.7.9

There is no way to use a single entry point.

// entry-client.ts
import ssr from "vite-ssr-vue/client";
import App from "./App.vue";

export default ssr(App);
// entry-server.ts
import ssr from "vite-ssr-vue/server";
import App from "./App.vue";

export default ssr(App);

vite <= 2.7.9

// vite.config.js
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
import ssr from "vite-ssr-vue/plugin";

export default {
plugins: [

Then, simply import the main handler in your main entry file as follows

// main.ts
import createSsr from "vite-ssr-vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

export default createSsr(App);

There can be only one entry point for the server and for the client. Plugin automatically changes alias for SSR. If for some reason you need separate entry points, then specify the server side in the ssr parameter

Available options for Vite plugin

  • name: plugin name (default: vite-ssr-vue)
  • ssr: server entry point

Complete example using router and vuex

import ssr from "vite-ssr-vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import createRouter from "./routes";
import createStore from "./store";
import {createHead} from "@vueuse/head";
import {createPrefetch} from "@vuemod/prefetch";

// ...
export default ssr(App, {
created({app, url, isClient, initialState}) {
const head = createHead(); // Use only this instance. To avoid singlton of state
const router = createRouter();
const store = createStore();
const prefetch = createPrefetch();
app.use(prefetch, router, store);

return {head, router, store}

mounted({router}) {
// Some actions with router in isReady moment

Available options for Vite plugin

  • created: ({app, url, isClient, initialState}) - Hook that is called before each request, can be async. May return {router, store, head}
  • mounted: ({app, url, isClient, initialState}) - Hook that is called before each request, can be async. Fire after all internal operations, as router isReady
  • rendered: ({app, url, isClient, initialState}) - Hook that is called before each request, can be async. After ssr rendered or after replace state in client
  • serializer: Custom function for serialization initial state
  • shouldPreload: shouldPreload aka shouldPreload
  • shouldPrefetch: shouldPrefetch aka shouldPrefetch
  • mount: mount options for client side
  • rootProps: root props

Accessing context, res and req objects

In the built-in dev server, context, req, res objects are passing to created hook. In production, you must pass these objects to the rendering function in order to have them available.

({html} = await entry(url, {


The redirect method add to res object for development, and requires implementation in production.


Aka vite-ssr, vite-ssr-vue exports ClientOnly component that renders its children only in the browser:

import { ClientOnly } from "vite-ssr-vue"

<!--- your code --->


Run vite build for buildling your app. This will create 2 builds (client and server) that you can import and use from your Node backend.

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